Monday, June 23, 2014

Therapy Owl

Therapy Owl

Follow my Twitter: @WHSTherapyOwl

Some bookstores have cats.  We have an owl. 

The owl is our school mascot, so I've gathered quite a collection.  But Therapy Owl is special. 

He was originally given to my children as a gift, but when they left him unattended to be attacked and almost killed by the family cats, I rescued him and brought him to the library. 

Since then, he has lived on my desk gobbling up attention from students and teachers.  Therapy Owl is secretly a puppet and can turn his head all the way around, so it is fun to startle others by turning his head to make his gaze follow an unsuspecting person through the library.  

. . . even if they don't notice. . . 

. . . it is hilarious. . . .

even for teachers. . . 

and stressed students. . . 

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