Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Book Lists for popular fiction

Over the summer I spend a great deal of time trying to figure out what next year's students will want based on requests and bestseller's lists.  My first years I would read reviews diligently and order copies of what critics thought was the best, but many of those books have languished, unread, on the shelves.  Because really, how many of us spend our time consuming "quality" books or watching PBS documentaries?

So now I try to make sure I order what the kids really want - Fantasy, Romance, Science Fiction, Paranormal, Thriller, and Manga.  This year will refreshingly be the Year of Contemporary Fiction.

But the library book reviewers, being mature, voracious readers, can't be trusted to hone in on what will be most popular - because they've read it all before.  Personally, I can't face a single Paranormal Romance, but that doesn't mean the students aren't still asking for the new titles.

Where to go instead?

The bookstore!
I spend time prowling the shelves to see what they are displaying and checking bestseller lists.  Students will see books on display they would like, click a pic to remind them, and ask if we have it the next day. Looking at what is most purchased by librarians through distributors like Titlewave isn't nearly as useful as 10 minutes at your local store!

I also talk to my kids.  Every year there are a few kids who have the knack of honing in on the next bestseller in their favorite genre,  young "mavens," and I have learned to order 2 copies of their requests.

And I look for reader's favorite lists like:

YALSA - Young Adult Library Services Association has several great yearly lists:
     Teens' Top Ten - Chosen by actual teens!  
     Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Readers - These are always big hits with the "have-to" students.  They include great display books, but sometimes can be too juvenile or too mature.

NPR booklists - Nancy Pearl is a guest commentator and they offer many lists for all types of readers
      Your Favorites: 100 Best Young Adult Novels Ever

Taking a step back, publishers are a good place to look.  The books they choose to push are the books that will be most heavily advertised.  Though I have been finding that it takes SEVERAL YEARS for books to become popular, so watching trends in book sales with a eye on popular authors and heavily pre-ordered titles is often more rewarding.

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