Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Missouri Gateway Nominees

Student reader poses with Gateways on the counter.

Gateway Readers

My 1st reading priority each year is to complete the 15 final nominees for the Gateway Reader’s Award.  The winners are chosen by Missouri high school students and the nominees always represent the best of YA.  The nominees are also diverse enough for any student to find at least one book they like.   Multiple copies of the books are on year-round display on the desk counter, and I always refer students to them as a 1st choice.

This year’s list:
Michelle Gagnon
Don't Turn Around
Lissa Price
Trish Doller
Something Like Normal
Anna Banks 
Of Poseidon 
Kristen Simmons 
Article 5
Gina Damico 
Paul Griffin 
Burning Blue
John Green
The Fault In Our Stars 
Kim Purcell 
April Henry
The Night She Disappeared
David Levithan
Every Day
Cat Patrick
Matthew Quick
William Richter
Dark Eyes
Jennifer Shaw Wolf
Breaking Beautiful

Reading 3 earns a ticket to Voting party 

Students who read a minimum of 3 get invitation to attend a voter’s party in March to choose the winner.  Sometimes we just have a pizza party, though we have taken field trips to see new releases and last year even had a visit from one of the nominated authors.  We always have swag to give away - books, signed posters, whatever I could collect from conferences throughout the year. So if I can get a student to read one of the Gateways, many times they will return for another to get to attend the party. 

The 15 choices on the counter also are a great place to start with a student who wants book recommendations.  If they have read one of the books, they have common ground to discuss what type of books they like.  Frequently, students will be able to offer one another book choices based on the Gateways they liked. 

I've read 8 of the titles so far, and made a few false start on some others.  This year’s are especially good.  It will be difficult to chose a favorite.  As I make my way through, and as students begin talking about the titles, I'll post reviews.  

1 comment:

  1. That student reader looks very familiar... I can't quite put my finger on it... maybe I should ask @WHSTherapyOwl if he knows him.
